
display @ Use Your Head...Shop for a cause in fashionable NoLita, NYC

as of today, six pairs of earrings from LBEW jewelry are being displayed at the wonderful store in NoLita, NYC.
The store is called Use Your Head...Shop for a cause, which is located on 262 Mott St, between Prince and Houston street.

The mission of the store is as follows:
All of the profits of our store go back to ACE (Association of Community Employment). ACE is a not-for-profit organization, and its aim is to help homeless people find jobs. We've served more than 1300 recovering homeless men and women. In the past 5 years, we've helped more than 270 homeless people transition into full-time employment

I am so happy to be working with UYH shop and Carlos on this project.

So looking forward to what is to come in the future!!!

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