So I want to introduce you to some **new** creations of mine...
First off,
say hello to my new website!!
I'm so excited to have a website with my name on/in it.
and I think it's going to help me get the word out a lot.
I even have a "contribution" part where people can help me out by "Levels of Support"
and look how cute the options are!!
• Latte ..... $5
• Lunch ..... $10
• Dinner ..... $25
• Tripod ..... $50 (support... get it?)
• Ext Hard Drive ..... $100
I'm so in love with it.
Let me know what you think?
Moving on....
Here are some pics of new creations....

So here you go... :)
I intended this necklace to be something totally different. Like, I wasn't planning on useing those ceramic beads at all..... but I'm pleased with the outcome. Now what to name it?
I like this pair a lot. I love the pink drops especially.
Without them, it was kind of dull to be honest. But I think it works.
I also discovered that it's fun to do a "Name this product" contest via Facebook.
and I thank everyone who participated in naming this pair of earrings.
That's all for now.
Thanks for reading!
•• Coming up ••
Story behind the name LBEW...